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Granny Came to Visit



Illustrated by Gemma Denham


Format: Paperback

Size: 203mm x 254mm

Pages: 24

Release Date: December 2020

Price: £5.99

ISBN: 9781912863648

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Granny was far more important than she realised as she knitted wonderful gifts for her grandchildren Although her memory was fading, the love from her family didn’t, instead it grew stronger. Granny Came to Visit is an original story, told through the eyes of a child who has a very loving relationship with his Granny. The theme throughout is of kindness with Granny wanting to shower the child with gifts. Although Granny often forgets things. the central message conveyed is that sharing our emotions and caring for others leads to happiness and well-being.



Marion was inspired to write this book for a friend who showered her grandchild with knitted gifts. It was awarded first prize for the Scottish Association of Writers 2020. Marion is a member of Ayr writers club and has a passion for children’s literature but has also published a non-fiction book ‘Explore Govan’ which is a guide book about the heritage of the district of Glasgow where she grew up. Marion also loves photography, walking and gardening.

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