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Holy Spirit Radicals



Format: Paperback

Size: 216mm x 140mm

Pages: 200

Release Date: July 2018

Price: £10.99

ISBN: 9781910786925


The charismatic movement has brought great expectation into the church and a return to the standpoint of the apostles in the book of Acts, who expected God to move in power, bring people to faith in Jesus, see healings and lives transformed.

In Holy Spirit Radicals, Arani Sen argues that although we need a personal encounter with God through the power of the Holy Spirit, we also need renewal. In the book of Acts there are stories of whole communities being changed, of the excluded being included, of the barriers of prejudice and racism being broken down, of the poor and marginalised being cared for.

Holy Spirit Radicals is about the church growing - a church for all people, regardless of background, race, ethnicity, social status or gender. It’s also about the Holy Spirit permeating all areas of life and society, especially where there is need for social and personal transformation. Arani Sen brings the book of Acts alive for the twenty-first century, giving many case studies of how the Holy Spirit is able to bring about widespread change.

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Arani Sen was born in West Yorkshire of Indian, Hindu parentage. Arani was converted to Christianity in a dramatic experience as a student. After university, he served as a youth and parish worker in an urban multi-cultural parish, during which time he began to feel called to full time Christian ministry. Arani Is passionate about inner-city urban ministry. He is currently Vicar of Christ Church, Upper Armley, Leeds, an exciting, diverse community, running two major social projects. He is part of the New Wine movement.


Holy Spirit Radicals is easy to read but difficult to live. Half way between a study of Acts and a missiology for cities, it will be right up your street if you care about cities, justice, race, marginalisation, mental illness, poverty, the power of the Holy Spirit, incarnational mission and the church of Jesus Christ. Arani Sen writes with wisdom, hands-on experience, scriptural insight, deep compassion and prophetic urgency. His vision of the Kingdom of God for twenty-first-century Britain is a compelling vision.’

Andy McCullough, author of Global Humility


‘In this engaging and challenging book, Arani Sen leads us through this reading of Luke Acts to show how the heart of God is longing for the renewal of all creation. And how this transformation is brought about through the work of the Holy Spirit. With helpful questions for reflection at the end of each chapter, we are invited to become part of God’s work of transformation, in the name of Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.’

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu

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