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Joining Jesus on His Journey





Format: Paperback

Size: 216mm x 140mm

Pages: 160

Release Date: November 2019

Price: £9.99

ISBN: 9781912863266


Wherever you are on your faith journey, just beginning, questioning, midstream, there is always more!  Whenever we encounter Jesus, truth bursts into life. We move from the realm of concepts to the reality that truth is found in a person, someone seeking to draw us ever more closely into his friendship. In this short book, Adrian C. Smith invites you to take ten-week journey, meeting Jesus through Imaginative Prayer. A journey he hopes will help you to experience first-hand the truth that, in Jesus, God loves you more than you can comprehend. Adrian also looks at some questions this way of praying raises, pitfalls and ways of doing this well. It’s time to Join Jesus on His Journey!  

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Adrian C Smith helps lead Action Foundation, a charity providing housing and a language school for asylum seekers and refugees. A long time a companion member of the Northumbria Community has given him an appreciation of the value of retreat taking and meeting God in silence as well as in charismatic worship. Completing the Ignatian Exercises in 2015 provided him with much of the inspiration that led to this debut book.


‘Most good things take time. Ten weeks that will wonderfully enrich your friendship with Jesus and your walk with God.’

Ian Galloway, Founding Pastor, City Church, Newcastle upon Tyne

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