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The Unveiling





Format: Paperback

Size: 236mm x 156mm

Pages: 168

Release Date: January 2021

Price: £9.99

ISBN: 9781912863693



David Fellingham contends that the Book of Revelation draws the prophetic purposes of God together, with over five hundred allusions from other parts of the Bible and it is the Bible itself which interprets this amazing book, not world events. However, we can understand the events that are happening in our world through the prophetic lens of Revelation, and as we do that, we can grow in our faith that even with such devastating events like wars, natural disasters and pandemics, God is totally in control. He has an unfolding plan. As we Christians cooperate with King Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit, we will see the Father’s plan fulfilled.


The Unveiling, brings a perspective to answer to the many questions David has been asked during over 40 years as a Christian leader.His answers are not speculative, but firmly rooted in Scripture. He admits thats he does not have the answer for every detail, and accepts there will be other opinions and views, but whatever view we may hold the certain fact is, Jesus is coming again. The ‘last days’ is the whole period between the resurrection and the Second Coming of Christ. The gospel of the kingdom will reach every nation. The church is the highest priority on God’s agenda. Before Jesus returns there will be a powerful church, alive in the Holy Spirit, consisting of people from every tribe, tongue and nation.



David Fellingham is well known as a songwriter, worship leader, Bible teacher and author. He was on the eldership team alongside Terry Virgo at Church of Christ the King (now Emmanuel) Brighton from 1979 - 2010. He now lives in Horsham with his wife Rosie and they are part of Lifespring Church. They have two sons, Luke and Nathan and six grandchildren.

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