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Code Red




Format: Paperback

Size: 216mm x 140mm

Pages: 183

Release Date: November 2020

Price: £10.99

ISBN: 9781912863594



Some of the most common questions asked today are: ‘If there’s really a God, why is there so much suffering? Why do the innocent suffer so much, while the guilty, evil people get away with murder?’ The truth is, bad stuff happens to good people. And you know what? Good stuff happens to bad people too. It’s the all-too familiar result of living on an imperfect planet. Code Red been written, not just to explain the injustice there is on this earth, or to just convince people there really is a God, but to show how things are playing out in a much bigger and more complex way than most people have ever realised. There is a much deeper and sometimes ‘darker’ side to the question of wickedness and evil in the world and P.P. Hallam attempts to explain the unfolding and apocalyptic unveiling of the historic, prophetic, preordained will of God.



Paul Hallam along with his wife Mags, have invested their lives into The Lighthouse Church in Manchester, England, for almost 30 years. They have always had a heart for mission and have built children's homes, and established Bible colleges and churches through LIM (Lighthouse International Ministries) which runs as a separate charity from the Lighthouse specifically to fund overseas work.



'Code Red takes the reader on a biblical journey of fresh insight and thinking. To tell you the truth, it blew my mind! Paul skilfully unwraps innovative thinking by unveiling the enemy's strategy to infiltrate the human condition. His desire being to create his own bloodline and lineage by corrupting man's 'seed'. Gripping stuff! Paul the apostle encouraged the Church of Jesus Christ not to be ignorant of the enemy's devices (2 Corinthians 2:11), and Paul has done what was requested. Ignorance has been abolished! Code Red engages the reader with relevance, spiritual insight and practical expression. I highly recommend it.'


Mark Stevens



'In this timely book, my friend Paul Hallam brings non-religious, powerful and yes, prophetic teaching. It's a must-read, especially in days like these.'


Andy Hawthorne



'In Code Red, Paul follows the redemption story from creation to the twenty-first century. This is a book infused with scripture, challenging us to discern the 'signs of the times'. This is one of the most thought- provoking books I've read in recent years. As Paul himself states, you may not agree with all his conclusions, but this well-researched book demands your serious consideration.'


Dr Tim Tucker

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